Chapter 13: Creating New Data Types in Julia
We will start to look at playing cards (poker) probabilities below. Before that, let’s look at a different datatype in Julia that allows us to store more that one variable together. This is often called a composite type or a struct (from C) and similar to an object however you can’t have a function as a member of the type.
###Card datatype
For our playing card example, a card has a rank (1 to 13 corresponding to Ace, 2, through 10, J, Q, K) and a suit (1 to 4 corresponding to the suits “spades”, “diamonds”, “hearts”, “clubs”), which we define
ranks = ["A","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","T","J","Q","K"];
suits = ["\u2660","\u2661","\u2662","\u2663"]
where the suits are the unicode characters for the suits. See the julia documentation on unicode.
We can define this using a Julia composite type..
mutable struct Card
and if we type
c = Card(3,2)
this will create a card of rank 3 and suit 2 (spades). To access the fields of the type, we use dot notation. For example c.rank
will return 3 and c.suit
will return 2.
The mutable keyword in front of the struct
allows the struct to be altered later. Generally, this is not desireable, but while testing a struct, this is the right way to go and often after testing is done, one can remove that.
Although it’s not very interesting to have the card c
just give the rank and suit, so we will make the output much more interesting. To do this we will define for our type. To do this, we, c::Card) = print(io, string(ranks[c.rank],suits[c.suit]))
where the arguments of
should be of type IO
and then a print should be called as above. Note: this is different than just a println within a function, which is highly discouraged. This function is called whenever a card type is displayed. So if one types c
, you should now get 3♡
When we evaluate Card(3,2)
we call a special function called a constructor, which creates an instance of the type. Although Julia creates the basic constructor–that is the one that fills the fields of the type, we may want another constructor that will take an integer between 1 and 52 and returns the appropriate card. The following example will do this.
mutable struct Card
Card(i::Int) = i<1||i>52 ? throw(ArgumentError("The argument must be an integer between 1 and 52"))
: i%13==0 ? new(13,div(i,13)) : new(i%13,div(i,13)+1)
Notice that there is a function new
that is called. The first constructor is the default constructor. If a second one is made (as is in this example), you need to explicitly create it. See additional information about constructors in the Julia Documentation.
You will need to restart the kernel and replace the previous struct with this one because structs are non-mutable.
The second constructor will create a card from a number between 1 and 52 (and throw an error if it is not in this range). We can now create a card from an integer. For example:
Since a Hand is also helpful in playing card games, we will define a hand in the following way:
struct Hand
which is just an array of cards. (Note: there is nothing here that specifies that the Hand has to be 5 cards, but that could be included by doing some error checking in the constructor)
Let’s create a Hand by typing
and again, since this looks a bit ugly, we can define a method for a hand:,h::Hand) = print(io, string("[",join(,", "),"]"))
returns “[2♢,Q♠,T♠,T♣,5♡]”
We now have some nice additional types, however, we now want to do something interesting with them.
###Find Probabilities of Poker Hands
Let’s actually look at determining if a hand is a particular poker hand. Some of them are fairly difficult to test for. Let’s first try a full house, which is a hand of 5 cards, 2 of which have the same rank and 3 of which have the same rank. The two ranks are not the same. For more information about poker hands, see the Wikipedia page on Poker Hands.
A template for the is_full_house
function is as follows.
function is_full_house(h::Hand)
Once we have the function written, we should test it on a few known and unknown full house hands. Try testing:
fh1= Hand(Card[Card(4,1),Card(4,3),Card(4,4),Card(7,1),Card(7,2)])
And note that the first 2 are full house hands and the last is not.
Running a Simulation
Now, let’s perform a Monte Carlo simulation on a large number of poker hands and test if this gives the result we want:
deck=collect(1:52) # creates the array [1,2,3,...,52]
trials = 100_000
for i=1:trials
h = Hand(map(Card,deck[1:5])) # creates a hand back on the first five cards of the deck
will create 100,000 poker hands and test how many are full house. It would be helpful to put this in a function. We will do this and put all of these in a package together in the next chapter.
Parametric Types
Let’s say that we wish to create a function that does basically the same thing for different types of arguments. Let’s look at an example. Consider the basic type of Polynomial.
mutable struct Polynomial{T <: Number}
This definition allows us to create a polynomial with coefficient of any type:
and the result of the last will be Polynomial{Complex{Int64}}(Complex{Int64}[0+1im, 2+0im, 3-2im, 0-1im])
. The first Polynomial{Complex{Int64}}
is the type of the Polynomial. The Complex{Int64}
inside the parentheses is the type of the Array. Each of the results will be a different type. Try typeof
all the other ones to see the type.
It would be nice if the result looked like a polynomial. In this case, we can use the show
function, p::Polynomial)
str = ""
for i = 1:length(p.coeffs)
str = string(str,p.coeffs[i],"x^",i-1,i<length(p.coeffs)?"+":"")
print(io, str)
and another nice thing that we’d like to do is an add command. However, if we do:
function +(p1::Polynomial{T},p2::Polynomial{S}) where {T <: Number, S <: Number}
we get the error:
error in method definition: function Base.+ must be explicitly imported to be extended
so we need to do:
import Base.+
and then we can rerun the function above.
which will allow us to add two polynomials and the information after the where says that the types of polynomials should be subsets of Number
and not for example a string.
then poly1+poly2
Note that this now a polynomial with Floating Point coeffs.
Evaluating the polynomial
Another helpful function is to actually evaluate the polynomial. The basic way to do this is to sum the squares of the variable.
function eval(poly::Polynomial{T},x::S) where {S <: Number ,T<: Number}
for i=1:length(poly.coeffs)
sum += poly.coeffs[i]*x^(i-1)
(talk about Horner’s form of a polynomial)
Plotting new datatypes
Since all datatypes are based on previous ones, we can always plot them, however, it may be nice to plot them by calling plot
(from the Plots
package) and a package associated with it called RecipesBase
, so the material here will require using RecipesBase
, which includes the macro @recipe
and although the documentation is sparse, this page is helpful in the background.
We will create a recipe for a Polynomial
which will tell julia how to plot a particular object. In general a plot recipe has the form:
@recipe f(t::TheType,...)
and it needs to either return some number of vectors of points (depending on if it is 1D, 2D or a 3D plot) and TheType
is a user-defined type. All other arguments afterwards are parameters needed for the For the Polynomial
@recipe function f(poly::Polynomial,xmin::Number=-2,xmax::Number=2)
xpts = LinRange(xmin,xmax,200)
ypts = map(x->eval(poly,x),xpts)
and we can now use this to plot a polynomial and we will need to using Plots
and since we defaulted the plot range from -2 to 2, we get the following plot:
and if we want to specify the plotting range:
we get
Changing other parameters
But wait… There’s more… One of the fantastic things about this is that we can still use all of the other parameters associated with plot as we normally would. For example:
plot(poly1,0,4,linecolor=:orange,title="A quadratic", leg=false)
produces the plot:
Setting Default parameters
Recipes also allow to set default parameters. Let’s say that if we want to always plot a polynomial green without a legend that we can put these default parameters in the recipe:
@recipe function f(poly::Polynomial,xmin::Number=-2,xmax::Number=2)
leg --> false
linecolor --> :green
xpts = LinRange(xmin,xmax,200)
ypts = map(x->eval(poly,x),xpts)
If we have this definition then
produces the following plot: