Course Notes of Peter Staab

This is where Symbolic Computation class notes are found.

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Chapter 18: Images

This chapter covers the details of a digital image. In short, an image is a array that contains either gray scale or color information.

Gray Scale Images

A gray scale image is just a visual representation of a 2D array. To get started we need the following packages:

using Images, Colors, FixedPointNumbers, ImageView, TestImages

and you may need to add them. In the TestImages package there are a number of images that we can load. For example:

man = testimage("cameraman")

should produce an image of a cameraman. If we type:


then we get the following:


which is a bit complicated, but in short, this is a 8-bit gray scale image, which means for each pixel, 8 bits are used to represent the scale of gray. To see the data, typing



512×512 Array{UInt8,2}:

and then the data. Notice that the size is 512x512, so it is a 512 by 512 image and the data type of the array is UInt8 which is 8-bit unsigned integer.

Also, notice that the first row, first column has value 0x9c which is a way to represent a UInt8 where the last two digits are in hexadecimal.

Loading in an image from a file

We can also load an image from a file by using the load function. For example, consider the following image:

B/W photo

If you download it, then


will load in the file and show it (if you are running jupyter). You can then access the data as above.

Creating a Gray Scale image

We can also create a gray scale image. If we make an array of random UInt8 values, such as


and the data will look a lot like the data in the cameraman image above. If we type:


then you will get the image as well as a visualization of it. A less random image is:

data2=[(i-100)^2+(j-100)^2<50^2?UInt8(i+j-100):UInt8(125) for i=1:200, j=1:200]

and then grayim(data2) will give a dot with a gradient inside the dot.

Color Images

We can load up a color image from the TestImages package such as

mandrill= testimage("mandril_color")

and notice in this case that typeof(mandrill) returns:


which is a fairly complicated way to say that it is an 8-bit color (RGB) image. Entering rman=raw(mandrill) results in the top being

3×512×512 Array{UInt8,3}:

which says that the underlying data is a 3 by 512 by 512 array. The first component is the RGB value of each pixel. For example:



3-element Array{UInt8,1}:

and the first pixel is red: “A6”, green: “8B” and blue: “3E” in hexadecimal.

An interesting thing to do is to take one of the color channels and use this as the gray scale. For example,


will make a gray scale image using the 3rd (blue) channel.

We can create a color image by assigning values to each channel of each pixel. For example:


creates a 200 by 200 image with random colors. Assigning each pixel a particular color can be quite difficult. Instead, there is a function called ImageCmap which produces an image using a color map (an array that maps numbers to colors). For example,


produces a color image which is a “blue” version of the gray scale above.