List of notes for Scientific Computing (FSU, Fall 2018)
- Getting Started in Julia
- Chapter 1: Introduction to Scientific Computing
- Chapter 2: Data Types
- Chapter 3: Introduction to Functions
- Chapter 4: Boolean Statements, Loops and Branching
- Chapter 5: Functional Programming and an Introduction to Writing fast code
- Chapter 6: Loading Packages
- Chapter 7: Number theory
- Chapter 8: Solving Quadratics and Rootfinding in General
- Chapter 9: Advanced Features of Functions
- Chapter 10: Arrays
- Chapter 11: Plotting Data and Functions
- Chapter 12: Random Numbers and Monte Carlo Simulations
- Chapter 13: Creating New Data Types in Julia
- Chapter 14: Creating A Module and Performing Unit Tests
- Chapter 15: Parallel Computing
- Chapter 16: Data, Data everywhere
- Chapter 17: Optimizing Functions and fitting curves to a dataset
- Chapter 18: Shortest Paths through a Graph and the Traveling Salesperson Problem
- Chapter 19: Dictionaries and JSON Files <!–* Chapter 18: Dictionaries and JSON Files
- Chapter 19: Rational and Complex Numbers
- Chapter 20: Images
- Chapter 21: Newton’s Method in the Complex Plane –>